How to Start a Blog with a 9-5

Blogging has been second nature to me for years. It has served as an outlet for me to share my love for lifestyle, beauty and fashion. I am also able to share my knowledge for all things social media whether it be the best hashtags to use or the best apps to use for creating content.

With 5 years of blogging and creating content under my belt it was important for me to create a guide on How to Start a blog on your own even if you have a 9-5! That is normally the case for aspiring entrepreneurs. Balancing a full time job and your love for sharing info via a blog can be challenging but I’m here to say its possible even with the least amount of tech experience.

My guide will assist you in taking the steps to create your own blog from scratch. All while laying the foundation to make a living to make a living creating the content you love. This guide is for beginners who need guidance on how to start a blog.

Want the Full E-Guide??

Get the full Guide to Blogging!

What you’ll get:

  • How to Start a Blog: Step By Step Guide on How to Start Your blog from scratch with little to no tech experience. This guide is perfect for aspiring bloggers and influencers. Packed with eight sections, everything from “How to Choose a Blog Topic” to “How to Monetize Your Blog”. 
  • How to Turn Your Blog into a Business Pitch Templates: You’ll get three Pitch Letters that will jumpstart your career as a content creator. The templates include a General Pitch Template, a Detailed Pitch Template and a PR List Email Template. 
  • So You Want to be an Influencer: 50+ Influencer Platforms- This is an In-depth list of Influencer Platforms all around the United States. You can register with all of these platforms for free. This is the key to building up your skills and experience as a content creator.

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